
Thursday, 13 November 2014

Working mom earned bachelor’s degree in 16 months

Arena Dixon of Clarksville, Tenn., is just one short summer away from something she’s wanted for a long time.

In August, she will receive a college degree. At age 36, the single, working mother of two reminisces about not being sure she’d ever be able to finish what she started long ago.

“I married young, and my husband was in the military,” Dixon says. “It was hard to complete college since we moved often. Having to keep up with transcripts and transfer credits from place to place was hard.”
Dixon was excited to find a program that allowed her to complete her degree in a reasonably short amount of time. While browsing the web, Dixon found a website that introduced the Bachelor of Integrated Studies (B.I.S.) in Organizational Communication program.

After looking over all the details she knew that even as a busy working parent, the program was something she could complete. “It was geared toward adults, people just like me,” Dixon notes. “It provided the flexibility of study that I needed.”

The program that made Dixon’s dream possible began at the Murray State University Hopkinsville Regional Campus in the fall of 2007 with the express intent of fast-tracking a degree for nontraditional students.
Short courses, evening courses and online courses meant that students could complete the program in as little as 16 months.

In addition, the B.I.S. degree allows students to use the college credit and experience they already have toward a degree and lets them create their own field of study emphasis. Potential students can also earn credit for long-term job experience; ideal for a candidate who has worked at a company for several years and does not yet have their degree.

Dixon admits that financial concerns and paying for school are things to consider when thinking about entering the program. “I was fortunate enough to receive financial assistance because I’m a single mother,” she explains. “But even for students who must pay out-of-pocket, this program is affordable. Every dollar you may spend for this goes a bit further than it would for other education choices. The investment in this wonderful, wonderful program is worth every penny.”

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